BICESTER TOWN FC GS. AGM. 21/01/2018. 2.30 pm
@ The Ashton Bicester
SH. DF. Andy. D.O'C PP. GS. JD. SB. MS. RP.
PP. DB. PU. D.D. R.B. Ash. Greavsie.
Apologies . None
1. The Minutes from last years AGM were handed out and with no matters arising from we moved on this years agenda.
2. Chairmans Ted Waived his report this year as he had not played much because of ongoing health Issues
3. Presidents Report. SA echoed TH thoughts with regard to not playing much but went on to say what a “ Great Season” with respect to turnouts and the like. He was also looking forward to the forthcoming Season too.
4. Secretary’s Report. George explained mainly due to the efficiency of SL ( Organiser ) that his role within the Society was to produce the necessary documents, Minutes, Agendas and any correspondence that was needed from the Society to be distributed.
5. Treasurer’s Report. Kevin as usual provided all a comprehensive Audit sheet with all the incoming and outgoing monies for all to see. He also explained briefly about some of the entries on the sheet. In summary then the balance in the BTFC GS Account is £1,670.62 As there were only superficial questions around this , we thanked Kevin and moved on the next agenda item.
6. Organisers Report. It was agreed by all present that SL had done a really good job this year as the Society Organiser. SL said he had enjoyed the challenge and was already putting together some “good deals “ for the forth coming Season. He also informed us of some of the venues for this season a reurn to Tadmartin and an initial visit to Buckingham GC. Costs will be kept to previous years wherever possible and the possibility of the GS subsidising when it exceeds was discussed
7. Past Captains Report. Steve said that he had had a fantastic year and would like to thank everyone for supporting all the events this year and to the people who helped in the organisation of his Captains Day. He went on to say there were a variety of different winning Handicaps which showed that the H/Cap system was in good order. His Charity Donation ( Cancer Research ) has not yet been finalised.
8. Present Captain Report. MS said he was looking forward to his year as Captain and that Gavin Fiddler will be his Vice Captain
9. Committee 2018
Life Chair : Ted Houlihan
President : Steve Ayala/
Organiser : Steve Lapper
Secretary : George Deans
Handicap Sec : D Thomson
Treasurer. : K Leach
The above were re elected en block as there were no nominations from the floor for any of the Offices
10. BTFC GS VENUE 2014. The Aston Club.
11. BTFC GS . Formats / Dress Code / Fines/. After some good discussion around this point raised by TF it was the same old story going round in circles regarding the Dress Code and Fines. There was much discussion from the assembled members. After the debate ( forgive me if I have this wrong ) If you are leaving , not eating straight after golf then DC is waived. However all members who are staying are expected to adhere to the GS Dress Code. A Voluntary Charity donation ( Minimum £2.00 ) will be volunteered by any GS Member or guest if they are in breach of said rule.
12. H/Cap System. This to be left as it is for now H/Cap Secretary will look at the adjustments to H/Caps ( again some discussion here ) be it .1 .3 or .5.
13. Joining Fee to remain the same £5.00 payable on the date of the first event.
14. Secretary’s Charity Golf Day this year is the 30th of June at Banbury GC. This will be run as a joint Charity Day alongside the Captains nominated Charity and Friends of the Garth ( The Charity we have supported that was known as Garth Daytime Support ) George tried to explain the reasons for this , basically it is to protect the monies raised from OCC. He has set up a Trustee's Account managed by parents and carers know as the Friends of the Garth. He is hoping for a successful day with both Charities benefiting greatly from this day. The Evening will take on a slightly more relaxed affair in the Marquee at the Angel pub in Bicester. More details to follow on that.
15. AOB . Cancelled Kirtlington Day now re arranged for the 3rd of February
On Behalf of BTFC GS
BICESTER TOWN FC GS. AGM. 22/01/2016. 2.00 pm
@ The Ashton Club Bicester
SH. NJ. . DB. MV. NJ. AW. GS. JD. SB. RU. RP.
PP. DB. CM. SM. RB. D O’C.
Apologies . MS TH
The Minutes from last years AGM were read out and with no matters arising which could not be raised in today's Meeting, from we moved forward with this year’s agenda.
Chairmans Report. Unfortunately Ted was unable to make the meeting
Presidents Report. SA said that the Society continues to grow, it is getting Stronger and stronger and has met with any transition in a really positive way and long may this continue.
Secretary’s Report. George explained mainly due to the efficiency of SL ( Organiser ) that his role within the Society was to produce the necessary documents, Minutes, Agendas and any correspondence that was needed from the Society to be distributed.
Fiscal Report. Kevin distributed a BTFC GS Profits an Log Sheet for members to peruse. The GS is in a very healthy place at this time Fiscally with a Balance of £1,156.88.
Kevin went on to say the amount in the Accounts was perhaps too much especially as we are a non profit making Society. There was a lot of discussion around this with many suggestions put forward as to how best we manage this money. Subsidised Golf Days and New Polo Shirts were two of the many things discussed round this point. It was agreed that SL needed some Fiscal security when booking Society Days ie Deposits and the like. It was agreed !! to try and keep up to £500.00 in the Account to cover any unforeseen expenses.
Another aspect Kevin touched on was the success of the On Line Banking system. There is now no excuse for late payment for Society Golf Days.
Organisers Report. Steve said that everything had gone well this year and that the New Venues were a big success especially North Oxford GC. He was looking to add some New Venues and to revisit some old favourites like Tadmartin GC and the like. Costs varied from Spring to Summer through Winter and as we discussed earlier some of the surplus monies that the GS holds could be put to alleviate any extra Golf Day fees.
Past Captains Report. Jem said it had been an Honour and a Privilege to have captained the Society. He thanked Steve for his support and all the members who turned out and played on a regular basis. He Echoed the Presidents thoughts on that where the Society is at the moment. There were 10 different winners of the GS Society Days and the overall winner was an 8 “H/capper “ The Charity donation of ( Bardwell School ) £419.80 will be donated at an event day. George will write to Bardwell to arrange this.
Captain 2017. Thanked and congratulated Jem on a very successful year and he hope to carry on in the same vane.
Officers of the Society: The Present committee was re elected “en bloc” with the exception of the H/Cap Secretary. Nick Jones was proposed Div O’Connor and seconded by John Hog. A vote was taken and was passed unanimously. George to write a letter of thanks to “ Thommo” for all his hard work over the past years.
Committee 2017
Life Chair : Ted Houlihan
President : Steve Ayala/
Organiser : Steve Lapper
Secretary : George Deans
Handicap Sec : Nick Jones
BTFC GS VENUE 2017. As there were no proposals for an alternative venue the GS will remain at the Ashton Club Bicester. There was a lot of discussion around this. With pros and cons about the subject, TF said he felt that the GS had lost a lot of its Social side of things, SL said that he thought the Society had been Hoodwinked, that when we moved here things did not happen that were supposed to happen. Fred’s golf day being one of the nights that came up. It was agreed that there needs to be better communication system in place on both sides. Named people who we can talk to and get things done. Some members of the GS are members of the Ashton and our views will be raised at the next AGM and hopefully move forward from there.
BTFC GS Dress Code and Fines . Some discussion around this what was working and what wasn’t. There was a proposal that after a GS Day that members and guests could wear Smart BTFC GS Polo Shirts instead of or as well as Shirt and Tie. Again some debate around this and it was again put to the vote of those there present felt to maintain the Status Quo. Fines for noncompliance of the Dress Code will be £5.00 and will be vigorously enforced.
Joining fees will revert back to £5.00
Captains Charity this Year will be Cancer Research
Charity Golf Day is the 01/07/2017 at Adderbury again with the “Afters” at the Nightingale from 8pm onwards. The 18 holes are available for sponsorship or joint sponsor ship £100.00 per hole.
A.O.B. Late Payments!! No Excuse for this now, On Line Banking available see KL for sort code details.
Earlier Tee Times ! Slap will see what can be do in this regard.
If you are not having food at the GS Days please let us know in advance please as we don’t need to pay for this.
On Behalf of BTFC GS
BICESTER TOWN FC GS. AGM. 16/01/2016. 2.00 pm
@ The Angel Bicester
SH. NJ. . DB. MV. NJ. AW. GS. JD. SB. RU. RP.
Apologies . SL
1. The Minutes from last years AGM were read out and with no matters arising which could not be raised in today's Meeting,from we moved forward with this years agenda.
2. Chairmans Report. TH said he thought it had been a good Season for the Society, He added that the Society had grown considerably over the past year which lead to some of the “camaraderie “ , people all meeting up afterwards to socialise had somewhat dissipated. However he felt that the Society goes from strength to strength.
3. Presidents Report. SA echoed TH thoughts and went on to say what a “ Great Season” with respect to turnouts and the like. He added that he thought that the Captain KL had had an excellent year, one of the best that he can remember. He also was looking forward to this coming year.
4. Secretary’s Report. George explained mainly due to the efficiency of SL ( Organiser ) that his role within the Society was to produce the necessary documents, Minutes, Agendas and any correspondence that was needed from the Society to be distributed. He said that he had written to John Riches with regard to the Captains charity with no response as of yet. He will chase this up
5. Treasurer’s Report. As we all know along with the successes of the Society this year we lost in Fred Reeves a founder member, Captain and one of life's gentlemen. There were numerous plaudits paid to this wonderful man from all present, we remembered Wendy too , who knows what that lovely woman has gone through over these months. In recognition of “Freddie's” accomplishments with and for the Society it was unanimously decided to retire the position of Treasurer as a mark of Respect for all that he did in raising the profile of the Society.
In respect of this Wendy along with the Ashton Working Mens Club and Ourselves will organise a Golf Day in his honour with a social gathering with catering back in the Ashton of the said date of the event. This will become an annual Event in the BTFC GS calendar.
6. A New position to oversee the Society's fiscal side of things was agreed. This will be known as Finance Officer, outgoing Captain KL has agreed to take up this position, he will liaise with SA who is already a signatory on the account to arrange this transition. D.O'C will assist with this on Society Days.
7. Organisers Report. Unfortunately Steve has been laid low with Flu. In his absence it was agreed that he had done a sterling job with some excellent Venues throughout the Season
8. Past Captains Report. Kevin said that he had had a fantastic year and would like to thank everyone for supporting all the events this year. He also said how saddened we all were at Fred's passing, and that he would be greatly missed Kevin then went on to tell all who had one the major events of the year with mark Sherlock winning the Order of Merit this year. Kevin Charity Donation this year is a fantastic £528.00 to Bardwell School. George will write to the friends of Bardwell and see if a representative could be present at one of the Society's Golf Days to collect the cheque.
9. Present Captain Report. Jem Cadle in coming Captain said he felt honoured to be given this role and that he and Steve Butterworth ( Vice) would endeavour to make sure that the Society continues in the manner it has over the passed years.
10.Officers of the Society: The Present committee was re elected “en bloc”
Committee 2016
Life Chair : Ted Houlihan
President : Steve Ayala/
Organiser : Steve Lapper
Secretary : George Deans
Handicap Sec : D Thomson
The above were re elected en block. There was a proposal from the floor re the Handicap Secretary role. Due to an error on my front there was no vote taken in respect of the said proposal. I apologise for this and regret any mis understanding resulting from said error.
11. BTFC GS VENUE 2016. There were two nominations for the Venue of the Society for 2016. TF Proposed the Angel 2nd by JH, and the Ashton Club, Proposed by PP and 2nd by JD. A vote was taken counted by outgoing Captain KL. The result was 12 for the Ashton and 9 for the Angel. As a result of this BTFC GS will meet in the Ashton Club after Society days for presentations and of course for the Fred Reeves Society Day.
12.BTFC GS Dress Code and Fines . Some discussion around this what worked what didn't !! Jem and Steve will advise on this at a later date.
13.Joining fees will rise to £8.00 £3.00 this being donated to Bicester Town Football Club. Kevin and Ted put forward this proposal and there were little objections to this and a vote resulted in the proposal being carried
14.Captains Charity this year will again be Bardwell School Bicester.
15.Charity Golf Day. The date for this is the 2nd of July at Banbury Golf Club Adderbury. First Tee will be 8.15am. Presentations to be held again this year at the Nightingale Langford Village.
16 AOB. Dave Moffat who used to run another GS said that there was some money left in this and he would like to donate this , when he can sort it out, to the Present Captains Charity fund. D will keep us informed on this
On Behalf of BTFC GS
1. Minutes AGM 2015
2 Chairs Report ( TH )
3. Presidents Report ( SA )
4. Fiscal Report / Treasurer Position Posthumously Retired
5. Secretary’s Report ( GD )
6. Organiser’s Report ( SL )
7. Past Captains Report ( Kevin )
8. Election of Officers 2015/
9. In Coming Captain Views (MP )
10. BTFCGS Venue 2016
11. BTFC Golf Day Formats / Dress/ Fines/
12.H/Cap System
13. 2016 Captains Charity.
14. Joining Fees
11. Charity Golf Day 2016
12. AOB